Can you elaborate on the specific benefits of link-building for my website’s search engine rankings?
Link-building enhances your website’s authority and visibility, positively impacting search engine rankings. It’s one of a number of strategic approaches to boost your online presence. Learn more about link-building here –
How do you determine which publications are the best fit for my brand, and can I suggest specific outlets?
Short answer, yes, you can. However, I already have a list of numerous publications I’ve established a working relationship with over the years and those are easier and faster to get your links published on.
Are there any restrictions on the types of websites or niches you work with for link-building?
I work with clients across various niches, but compatibility and relevance are key. Let’s discuss your specific industry to ensure a strategic fit.
Can you provide examples of successful link-building campaigns you’ve undertaken in the past?
While client confidentiality is always a priority, I can always provide relevant examples to showcase past successful link-building strategies and outcomes where requested.
How long does it typically take for the links to go live once the content is approved?
The timeline varies but is generally within a couple of weeks for sites I’ve established a working relationship with prior; new sites and a few outliers can take a lot longer though. Once content is approved, the goal is to get your links live as quickly as possible.
Can you explain the process of link-building through a CEO quote versus a blog post link?
To be clear, these are just a two of the multiple approaches that can be used. What differentiates these two, though, is, a quote involves incorporating the client’s statement on a subject matter into an article, while a blog post link simply integrates a relevant blog post from the client’s website into the article to be published.